Big changes


This year brought some big changes to our farm plans. We brought Baby A into the mix! He was born in August. Unfortunately, that meant that there was very little in the way of a garden this year, as the pregnancy combined with working full time off the farm left me with almost no energy. I couldn't even keep up with laundry (honestly me favorite household chore, I know I'm a weirdo) nevermind haul myself out to the garden to plant or weed.

The garlic harvest was great, though! And I planted Johnny Jump-Ups, Sage, and Shallots that all did fairly well in spite of the neglect. We have next year's garlic in the ground, some exciting fruit plants ordered for spring (stay tuned for the big reveal!) and I'm pouring over seed catalogs now.

By the time we start getting veggies from next year's garden, Baby A will be able to eat some solid foods, so I'm planning with that in mind.

All in all, it has been an exciting year, albeit mostly unproductive farm-wise. Time to get back on track!

2021 Garlic Harvest hanging to dry. This year had neglect and lots of weeds, but also abundant rain.

2021 Garlic Harvest hanging to dry. This year had neglect and lots of weeds, but also abundant rain.