
Hello there!

Welcome to the Honey Bunny Homestead. This site will give you a sense of some of the many things that I love, including my family, fiber arts, and our growing farm.

We set up shop in the White Mountains in New Hampshire in early 2017. Since we started, we’ve always focused on making things the right way, which has meant doing what’s best for us and our homestead - slow and steady growth while learning and improving all the time. This sustainability mindset reconnects us with the world as it’s meant to be.

If you asked me a year ago if we’d be doing this - building chicken coops, getting dirt under our fingernails, spinning Angora wool to make into mittens - I probably would have laughed. Not because I didn’t want to (I’ve always wanted to), but because I never thought I would break out of my daily rut and take the plunge! With this site, I hope to share some of the beauty of my life, some what I’ve learned, and some of what I’ve made. I hope you can stay a little while.

Thanks for visiting!