Welcome back!
We are starting to think on ways we can make the farm pay for itself. We have a new baby (mentioned in the previous post as “baby A”, who will from here out go by Bug), and my goal has always been to stay at home and raise my own children vs putting them in daycare. No judgement on people who make other decisions; every family has to decide what's right for them. Mr L and I talked about it way back when we were dating (fairly early in to dating, actually) and we're on the same page that it would be preferable for us to have 1 parent stay home with the kid(s).
Bug is sound asleep as I'm salting these pelts to cure. He takes his best naps in the wrap carrier. He is 3 months old.
With that in mind, expect to see the “store” component of this website opening soon! We have a very limited quantity of dog treats (100% dehydrated rabbit liver) and a few Rex rabbit pelts (fleshed and cured but not tanned) that will be available for sale in the next week or so. The rabbits are raised for meat, but they are loved and spoiled every day they have on Earth, and we make our dispatch as clean and painless as possible.
One of 7 pelts we will have listed in the store, coming soon!
In the future we hope to have more pelts, Angora yarn, and various dehydrated organ dog treats for shipping (Next time we process chickens and ducks I'll try to save those organs as well). If I can figure out how to delineate that some items are local pickup only, we will also offer breads, duck and chicken eggs, fresh herbs, chicks and ducklings, plant starts, and mushrooms for anyone local to Littleton NH. If anyone is looking for anything else that we should offer, drop it in the comments section or email info@honeybunnyhomestead.com!
A Whiting's true green (or blue), thanking you for following along with our story!