Hello, and welcome back to the blog!
Friends, it's March! March is always a fun month for me. February is so cold and so dark. In spite of being the shortest month out of the year, it somehow feels like it's the longest! March brings longer days, more sunshine, and warmer weather. It always gets me thinking about the garden because it's the earliest we can start seeds indoors in my climate.
Speaking of starting seeds: this is the first year that my little Bug has helped me plant. That was super exciting! He was very cute and very, very focused. For a kid who isn’t even two yet, he’s surprisingly detail oriented! So far, we have started tomatoes, bell peppers, cabbage, celery and basil. Lots of basil. In the next few days, I'll be starting some more herbs: thyme, rosemary, sage, and possibly oregano. The goal is to have herb and veggie starts for sale at various farmers markets this year, so keep your eyes peeled for news about that!
Hopefully, next year we will be able to put up a hoop house. That would give us the ability to start far more seedlings, because we would have both more space and also more natural light. Light is one of our biggest limiting factors. There is only space for so many grow lights in our house, and we don’t have a single windowsill that gets enough natural light to make healthy seedlings.
I am so excited to finally see some greenery around the house! Spring is by far my favorite season on the farm!
If anyone has tips for corralling toddlers in the garden, please leave those or any other thoughts below!